Home Learning - Monday 18th May Water Parks Week!

Good morning Year 6. So this week we should have been heading off to sunny Coniston to enjoy all of the excitement that a week at Water Parks brings. Unfortunately, as with many things this year, it has been put on the back burner but that does not mean that we cannot bring Water Parks to us!

Each day this week I will be setting you some challenges based on the tasks that we would have been doing whilst we would have been away. Get involved, take pictures, be creative and send videos of you completing each task.


Throughout Water Park week you would have needed to be able to put a duvet cover on your bed.

Challenge 1 - Time yourself…who can put a duvet cover onto a duvet in the fastest time? Send me your photos and videos.

Challenge 2 - make a den in the garden or in your house to protect you from the elements outside. It must be able to keep you safe, dry and warm!

Some of the teas that we would have had this week are: lasagna, chicken enchiladas, burgers and meatballs and pasta. Choose some of these to have for your tea this week. Make them alongside your family and send me a photo of you all eating together. Meal times are so important at Water Parks, we share what we have done during the day. Send me some photos of you cooking and eating a Water Parks meal alongside your family. We also would have had some amazing desserts…especially the donuts and the sticky toffee pudding! Can you have a go at making these classics this week?

There will be another Water Park challenge tomorrow.

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you. You will notice that it is a 4 day week - there will be a challenge set for you on Friday.

Timetable 18th May.PNG

English - Wonder Week 3

This week we will continue reading the next section of Wonder where August is in school. We will meet his new teachers and start to see the interactions between August and his classmates. I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did. This section of the book really got me thinking.

Maths - Estimating the area of a triangle

Last week we consolidated and revised our understanding of area and perimeter. You should be now in the position where you know the difference between the two and how to calculate the area of compound shapes.

Today we are moving onto looking at other shapes, starting with the triangle. Follow my lesson and have a go at the work provided.

History - The history of the British Railway. This is a 2 day lesson

The introduction of the British Railway really transformed the holiday and being able to get to the Seaside. Before we look at that, we need to research the British Railway and how it was developed. Watch the videos underneath to further you knowledge.