Home Learning - Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good morning Year 6. I hope you had a good day of learning yesterday and you managed to get started with your learning. Don’t forget there is just 4 days this week and lots of Water Park Challenges to complete. I have loved seeing your photos of your den building and some teas that you have been creating. Keep the photos coming!

Each day this week I will be setting you some challenges based on the tasks that we would have been doing whilst we would have been away. Get involved, take pictures, be creative and send videos of you completing each task.


Challenge - On a Wednesday in Water Parks, we always take part in Journey Day. Each group would head out off site for a journey of their own design. Can you create your own journey today? This might be a walk with your family or a bike ride. Go on a journey and take some photographs of your along the way. Be adventurous!

Some of the teas that we would have had this week are: lasagna, chicken enchiladas, burgers and meatballs and pasta. Choose some of these to have for your tea this week. Make them alongside your family and send me a photo of you all eating together. Meal times are so important at Water Parks, we share what we have done during the day. Send me some photos of you cooking and eating a Water Parks meal alongside your family. We also would have had some amazing desserts…especially the donuts and the sticky toffee pudding! Can you have a go at making these classics this week?

There will be another Water Park challenge tomorrow.

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you. You will notice that it is a 4 day week - there will be a challenge set for you on Friday.

Timetable 18th May.PNG

English - Wonder Week 3 Lesson 3

I think at this point in the book, it would be really good to have a look at August’s condition. What has caused his facial disfigurement and resulted in him having to have lots of operations? Today you will be researching Treacher Collins Syndrome.

Maths - The area of a triangle.

Yesterday we started estimating the area of a triangle by counting squares and deciding whether they were whole or nearly whole.

Today we will look specifically at a right angled triangle and how to calculate the area using known facts.

Follow my lesson and have a go at the work provided.

RE - Pope Francis speaks to young people & your RE assessment question for this half term.

Today is your final RE lesson for this unit of work. I am more than happy for you to complete this over the half term so you can spend more time on it and ensure it is your best piece of work. There is two parts to this task:

  1. Pope Francis speaks to young people - what is his message? What is he asking us to do?

  2. RE Assessment question - St Paul is the greatest of all the apostles. Discuss. It is really important that this is done to the best of your ability and that all of the evidence from this unit of work is in there. It should be a comprehensive reflection. There is detailed guidance for you to include and to guide you in your response.