Home Learning - Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good morning Year 6 I hope that you have enjoyed the learning so far this week. Today we will be starting our new RE unit of work - Called to Serve.

Have a great day of learning.

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you.

Timetable week 2 Summer.PNG


A few weeks ago I asked you to start thinking about your primary school memory ready for the memory book at the end of the year. Now is your time to write your memory and get it sent over to me. This is your opportunity to think about the one (or two) key times whilst at Our Ladys that really stands out for you. When thinking, make sure that your memory is appropriate and personal to you. You want to be able to look back on this in years to come and smile.

I have included an example of some of the memories that were written last year to give you an idea of the detail that I need and want you to show off. Once you have finished writing it, can you then type it up on either: PUBLISHER, WORD OR POWERPOINT and email it across to me. You can email me on Purple Mash or at n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have fun with this task. If you could email me by Friday, that would be great. You have a week for this task! On Friday I am going to set you an art challenge to go with this piece of writing for the book.

Sport’s Day Challenge for today. Don’t forget to get involved and submit me your entries!


English - Wonder Week 5 Lesson 3

Who is part of August’s galaxy? Via makes a point that August is the sun and that the members of his family orbit around him.

Can you create a piece of artwork about August’s family and friends? Which ‘planets’ are closest to him? Which ones work on the periphery?

Think about yourself, who is part of your Solar System? Which friends and family operate around you?

Maths - Year 6 Volume with formula

I have set the lesson without the video today. Work through the slides. The questions will appear on one slide and then the answers on the next slide. Work through them as carefully as you can.

  1. Work through the lesson and the slide questions

  2. Complete the White Rose Work on the sheet and then check the answers

  3. Consolidation task. The Volume of Cuboids. Questions on page 1, answers on page 2.


acrostic poem.jpg

Right back in September we started with The Kingdom of God. It is our mission to bring the Kingdom of God alive here on earth.

Read page 104 and 105 of the textbook. The link is at the bottom of the blog.

Task 1: How have you brought the Kingdom of God alive this year? As a Year 6 leader, what examples can you give me where you have served your school community? Share some examples of what you have done.

Task 2: Design an acrostic poem with the word UNIQUE. Try to get across that there is no one like you and that you have a special mission in life. Decorate your poem and send me a photograph of it.