Year 4 Home learning Friday 15th May


Well - are you ready for the final chapter? Lets see what happens.. Who will triumph at the Firework competition? Will Lalchand have to be killed? Will Lila become a firework maker?

I have put the last chapter below. (I was tempted to read it to you so I could put on my silly Italian voice for Signor Scorchini but I changed my mind!)

I would like YOU to read this together with an adult - maybe take in turns to read. Read actively - picture the beautiful scenes on display. The names of the firework makers are very funny!

  1. Take an accelerated reader quiz on this book - click on the how to help your child link to get straight to our ‘Accelerated Reader Quizzes’ page.

2. You also have a book review to do some time over the next week - in Purple mash.

Maybe consider which book YOU would like to read next. How about reading some more Phillip Pullman? How could you begin to challenge yourself with your choices of books so that you are reading books with vivid language and marvellous characters like this?


Today we will be finding fractions of quantities/amounts. This will need a lot of focus, effort and practice. You can do it Year 4! Grow your brain.