Home Learning - Friday 15th May 2020

Good morning Year 6. Today is your final day to get your Share A Talent’s into me. Throughout the year, this class has always been brilliant at supporting each other and supporting our whole school community. This is something small that you can do to spread a smile. If you haven’t sent me a talent…and it could just be a photo of you doing something, it doesn’t have to be a full movie…then please do. I am urging you all to get involved.

You also have your art task to complete for Mrs Curtis…please send your work to Mrs Curtis and myself.

I have had a lovely email from Erin this morning. She has discovered that Blackpool Tower opened 126 years ago yesterday on 14th May 1894 . A very happy belated birthday to Blackpool Tower!

Don’t forget to have a go at our ‘SATs’ papers this week!

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you. You will notice that you have a 3 day history topic this week so you can plan your days accordingly.

Week 7 home learning.PNG

English - Wonder Week 2 Lesson 4 & 5

This is a two day lesson that will result in a small piece of writing from the perspective of one of the characters that we have been looking at this week. Will you write from the perspective of bossy Charlotte, impatient Jack or rude Julian? Watch my lesson video as I take you through the task.

Maths - Catch up!

I have changed the plan for today to allow you all to catch up with any outstanding SUMDOG work…and there is quite a bit. I cannot continue to teach and go forward without seeing where you are all up to with this aspect of work. Please use today to get yourself up to speed.

  1. Conversion of Measure questions

  2. Area of Rectangles questions

  3. Perimeter of Composite Shapes questions.

If there is any other SUMDOG work to complete, please do. These 3 units need to be completed by all the class before we can move on to next week’s maths lessons.

Science - The growth of babies

In this science lesson we will be looking at data and then making our own graphs to support this data. Babies grow at different rates and not all babies grow the same way. Data is a really important aspect of any scientific inquiry so we will be creating graphs today.