Year 2 Home Learning Photographs - Week Ending 15th May 2020

Year 2, I have absolutely loved receiving your photographs this week. It has been wonderful to see you getting out into your local environments and searching for those micro habitats. I have also had several emails telling me how much you have loved the Horrid Henry English work this week - you horrid lot!!

As always, you are making me incredibly proud with your hard work and your resilience. I can also see your independent learning coming through which is a joy to see.

This week I have been doing a little bit of learning myself and have learned how to put all of your lovely photographs and videos into a video altogether. This means that if you do have any videos of your learning, send them over and I will be able to show all of your friends what you have been up to. Just remember not to say your name on your video.

And a few more …

Have a lovely weekend with your families!

Stay Safe and God Bless,

Miss Woodend