'When you possess light within you, you see it externally.'

This week’s home learning lesson comes from Troy. He has very kindly made us all a quiz for us to do at home. We all know Troy’s love of general knowledge and he has put us to the test. There is some wonderful information in this quiz too. Thank you Troy for taking the time to teach us something new.

Another heartfelt thank you for all of your efforts this week. If you are anything like me, you will have had a little sadness in your heart this week as I feel this was the first big thing that the children would not experience this year. I was determined to try and get something out of SATs week and give the children a smile along the way. I know that there was a few sad faces when they thought that they had a SATs paper to complete…little did they know that it was a fun one. The learning this week has been outstanding again, I am unbelievably proud of you all.

The children have until Sunday to get me their Shine a Talent photographs and videos in. I can’t wait to see what the children get up to, there is lots of fabulous things already!

This week I have also been in touch with St Bedes regarding transition. As far as I know, they will be sending a pack to you with all of the documentation that you need. I am speaking to St Bedes daily at the moment so as soon as I have a clear plan from St Bedes, I will inform you. If anybody has any questions regarding transition, please do not hesitate to speak to me.

Water Parks

Looking at the weather for next week, I have a very heavy heart that we will not be venturing to Water Parks next week…however, I have lots of outdoors challenges for the children to complete next week. If we cannot go to Water Parks, then we will bring Water Parks to you!

We have spoken to Water Parks too and they are organising a refund for all money paid. As soon as we receive the money back to us, we will organise refunds back to you.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families. Hopefully the sun will continue to shine and we can all get some much needed fresh air outdoors.

God bless. If you need anything at all, you know where I am.

Mrs Gregan