Story time with Barbara

May I start this blog by saying a massive thank you to the children and families who compiled and sent such a lovely video to all the nursery team. Believe me when I say it brought tears to our eyes. We are missing you all so much.

I hope you enjoy this weeks story. It has been chosen by our friend Phoebe.

Let me know what you would like me to read next week and keep your ‘learning at home’ photos coming!

If you click here Bea it will take you to Little Rabbit Foo Foo. Enjoy!

A happy 4th birthday to our nursery friend. Look at all those lovely balloons!

A happy 4th birthday to our nursery friend. Look at all those lovely balloons!

Now for this weeks ‘learning at home’ photos.

I hope the sunshine comes back for the weekend. We may be able to enjoy some extra time outdoors, maybe even a picnic?
