Half term is here already, a little break and rest from our Home Learning. Everyone has worked so hard and adapted to this strange situation, it really has been a joy to see all your lovely art activities and the creative side of your family life. During half term, I will post one (each year group) recipe we would have done in Food Tech this last half term, if you want to, why not have a go at home…
The recipes posted will be with the key skills we would be learning about, we would also be learning about certain food information. I challenge you to investigate and teach your family about your class topic.
Year one, we would be learning about fruits and vegetables, do they grow on a tree, a bush, a plant or underground. What can you find out? Your recipe is Fruit Cars and the skill we are focusing on is peeling and cutting.
Year two, we would have learning about where meat and fish come from, beef, pork, veal etc, can you find out? Your recipe is Healthy Milkshake and the skill again is peeling and cutting.
Year three, we would have been learning about food groups, what they are called and what foods they include, Can you make a poster showing what you know? Your recipe is Fruit Crumble, the skills are cutting and a rubbing in method.
Year four, we would have been learning about what the food groups do to our bodies , good and bad. What can you find out? Your recipe is Pizza. Our skills are making a simple dough , rolling and stretching a dough.
Year five, we would have been looking at the sugar content of fizzy drinks and the sugar tax, why is sugar so bad for us? our recipe is banana bread, the skills include making a cake batter, beating and aerating.
Year six, we would have been learning about bread and how yeast works, can you look up the science behind how sugar and salt affect yeast? Your recipe is white bread, skills are needing and shaping the bread dough.
I hope to have place each recipe and instructions on each class art page ready for Monday.
If you do decide to have a go at your food tech do so with the assistance of an adult and let an adult use the oven for safety. don’t forget to send me any photos to r.curtis@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk.
Stay safe and have fun.
God bless
Mrs R Curtis