PART 1 - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS WEEK! June 1st-2nd Learning together

Hello everyone. This week the teachers have put together a selection of learning tasks that help us to reflect on our own well being. Usually we would complete these tasks in class with our friends. This year you can complete them with your siblings and family.

We have divided the tasks into three:

PART 1 - Mon and Tues complete the Healthy Hands - learning all about germs

PART 2 - Wed and Thurs complete the Healthy Feelings - exploring our feelings and managing them

PART 3 - Friday get creatively active! - looking after our bodies


TASK 1 - Healthy Hands not Horrid Hands!!!

Before we learn about keeping our hands healthy we need to know what is living on them! GERMS!!! These germs are a type of microbe- the tiniest living organisms on the planet!!! If you have a brother or sister in Year 6- you are lucky they have studied Microbes and can take over from here! If not take a seat and watch this film together (watch twice there is a lot of information). Tiny tiny microbes (including germs) look funny under a microscope why not have fun making them!

Click This picture to discover some fascinating facts!!!

Click This picture to discover some fascinating facts!!!

Making an Model!

If you don’t have the ingredients listed in this making challenge (click on image)- don’t worry. There are other ways to make models. You could use pebbles sticks and leaves from the garden creating you model in the backyard!. You could use the laundry- make a model using socks and ti-shirts! If you have lego or any modelling equipment use that!

How strange “looking” is your microbe?

Click on the picture to find out how you too can make a model of a microbe (germ).

Click on the picture to find out how you too can make a model of a microbe (germ).

Now we have discovered what germs are- a type of microbe- we need to understand how to make sure we wash these germs off our hands - so we DO NOT share them!!!

Get ready to investigate!! (read through the whole investigation before you start- planning essential)

How do germs spread? - To do the following investigation you will need: an adult, some olive oil (vegetable oil) and some cinnamon (any fine powder you could use glitter!) - this represents the germs! Line up your family members. One family member rubs oil (not too much- no dripping) on their hands. Another member sprinkles the fine powder/glitter onto them. Now the person with the gooey hands needs to shake hands with the next person in the line, then that person shakes hands with the next person- until you have all shaken hands!! Now carefully look at your hands- can you spot any powder or glitter? Have the germs moved to your hands? You only need one spec for a germ to spread!

Now it is time to wash your hands! But wait! Let’s investigate further. Have one family member wash with soap and warm water, have another use just warm water and have another wash with just cold water! What do you notice! Who still has germs on their hands?

*remember germs are soo tiny we cannot see the real ones so horrid hands can look clean but they aren’t!

So how do we ensure we wash off all the germs from our hands?

Watch this super friendly film which matches the NHS guidelines for washing hands! You will notice too that when you return to school you will be asked to wash your hands throughout the day. Knowing how to do this properly will keep you and your friends germ free!

Click on the picture to play the film

Click on the picture to play the film

Get creative!

When you return to school you will notice the staff talking about Healthy Hands and Horrid Hands all the time. Can you get creative- choose one of the following: Make a poster asking people to turn Horrid Hands into Healthy Hands. Are you good at making movies? Create a teaching video showing excellent hand washing. Be the teacher in your house and now teach other members (parents or virtual grandparents) how to wash their hands!


Another way for germs to spread is through sneezes and coughs!! Watch this film and discover just how far your sneeze (full of germs) travels!

Watch this film made my the NHS it shows how those little germs (like the ones in you hand investigation) spread on surface!!!

Catch it NHS.PNG

Get creative!

Can you make a Poster with the message: Catch it ! Bin it! Kill it! . If you would like to make your poster in Purple Mash we have set up a blank template for you to make one. Here is a picture of one that was made earlier! Or you could Create a true or false quiz on Purple Mash using the facts you have learnt today or use the questions in Horrid Hands quiz (click the button) to find out more! There is a little film below to show you how to complete a quiz on Purple Mash if you are an older sibling teach your younger brother/sister/s

Click on the picture to go to Purple Mash

Click on the picture to go to Purple Mash

For parents:

We have attached too documents here for you. One is a child friendly PDF explaining what Covid 19 is and the second is the “children’s guide” for returning to school this June.