Year 5 Monday 4th May Learning From Home

Good Morning Year 5 I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Next weekend is special - on Friday 8th of May the country will be celebrating a Bank Holiday it will mark the 75th Anniversary of the end of the war in Europe in 1945 - we call it VE day (Victory in Europe). The war continued a little longer elsewhere- over in Japan and it was the bombing of Nagasaki that led to the end of the World War at that time. That’s the same bombing of Nagasaki that is mentioned in our book- the town where Kensuke’s family lived.

Because this is a special anniversary and we would have been celebrating it across the country had things been the same I thought I could set you some World War II challenges this week. On Friday the Queen will be speaking to the nation. So we will now more about this special day when it comes round on Friday


I would like you to explore this BBC History website. It has a wide variety of short films about different aspects of World War II. Find out about the planes that won the Battle of Britain and how important the invention radar was. Find out about code cracking and how that helped Britain and her allies win the war. It is up to you! Explore and learn- let your curiosity take the lead (be a Clara the Clownfish) then think about how you might present what you have learnt. You could:

Make a short film of yourself- explaining

Create a PowerPoint.

Write me an email

Make a poster (propaganda)

Make a model/ ration book

Complete the Purple Mash - “Rationing” I have set this in your “2dos” if you choose this one (optional)

Reflect on your work does it clearly show what you have learnt?

What you know now that you didn’t know before!


Today I would like you to complete the Quiz for Kensuke’s Kingdom first then watch the rap (see button) and then follow the video as we have a grammar session all about parentheses today!