Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Wednesday 17th June

We’ve reached the middle of the week! I hope you all enjoy today’s learning activities!


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.

We have all enjoyed the first chapter of ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ together’ Can you complete the alliteration sheet attached below.


Day 3:

Watch and listen to We Are All Wonders by R. J. Palacio by clicking the book cover opposite.

Due to the sensitive content of this book, it is advised that the book is shared and discussed with an adult throughout the reading.

Points for discussion:

What does the word unique mean? What does the word wonder mean? What does the phrase hurt my feelings mean? How does the main character feel when others point or laugh? How does he feel when he puts on his helmet and travels across the galaxy? What do you think it means when the narrator says that perhaps people could ‘change the way they see?’ Talk together about how we are all wonders – include everyone in your household!

The book concludes with the sentence: Look with kindness and you will always find wonder.

Find some synonyms for kindness here:

Make a poster about being kind. Write the final sentence from the book – Look with kindness and you will always find wonder – in bold in the middle of your poster. Around the outside, record all the different ways you can show kindness. Remember kindness can often be shown in the smallest of actions, e.g. smiling, offering to help when someone is stuck, giving someone a compliment.

Try to make your poster as bright and engaging as possible. Put it up in your household to show everyone how you can be kind!


Complete the spelling challenge set for you today.


Watch the Video below -’ Lesson 3 - Describing Movement and Turns’ and complete the activity attached.




Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Hit the Button

Practise your mental maths by clicking the link below:

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning and to complete today’s Sports Day Challenge!

Have a focused day,

Miss Woodend