Welcome to this years virtual sports day….virtual sports week. This year we will be taking an event every single day and seeing which house can get the most participants. All you need to do is email me a photograph of you completing the challenge and tell me which house you belong to. There will be 5 opportunities to get involved this week and therefore 5 chances to submit your entry. Each night I will text out the winning house at the end of the day, that might spur you on to get involved.

Some of the staff will be getting involved too…their entries will contribute to their house’s points!

Our Sports Captains and House Captains have been thinking about lots of ways that they can help you to get motivated and involved.

Click on the videos to hear from your sports captains and house captains.


Click on your house colour to hear from your House Captains. Be inspired by their messages and get involved! We have a slight glitch from Bamber, let’s hope you can hear from your house captains later on this week.

Today’s Event - The Hurdles

Can you create your own hurdle course in your garden or in your house? Think about what you can safely jump over, making it as interesting and as exciting as possible. Pillows, boxes, teddies…be creative with your hurdle circuit!

Keep the photos coming in. I am loving seeing your entries each day. I will be collating them into a film at the end of the week to celebrate our wonderful sporting families!

Send me your photo entry and your house to n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

hurdle rae.jpg