'The service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.'

It seemed really appropriate that we started our final half term ‘Service with a Smile,’ that we focused on saying thank you and looking at our ‘everyday heroes’ who are currently serving our communities during the pandemic. It is so important to often stop in our tracks and just reflect on what this period of time at home has brought us. Over the next few weeks I will be asking the children to reflect on this time and to think about the positives that have come from it.

As always, I want to thank you all for your support. I have no doubt at all that the children are all working hard and that they are learning lots of new things beyond what I am delivering online. I have spoken to a few of you this week and I know how hard you are all working and how tricky it is to manage. Seeing what the children are producing is a testament to you all. Your children are an absolute credit to you all. I feel so privileged to be able to have just a little part in all of this.

Here is some of the wonderful work that I have received this week.

For me, I have been busy this week working on the children’s reports and speaking to St Bedes about their transition. I had a virtual meeting with Miss Cochrane where I got the opportunity to celebrate everything that your children have achieved this year and what I think they get involved with at high school. I know transition is different this year. St Bedes are busy putting things together for you all and making a video to explain the layout and the key members of staff that the children will need to know.

Next week

This week, the house captains have all been producing videos for sports day next week. The winning house will be the one with the most entries so make sure the children get involved.

Next week will be all about the primary school memories for the children. Each year we produce a memory book with a collection of memories from the class. On Monday I will be releasing this challenge and a photo task for the front cover where I will need the whole class to get involved. I am excited to see what the children will write about.

Have a lovely weekend with your families. Hopefully the sun will come back out and shine brightly.

God bless

Mrs Gregan