Science -.. NEW NOTE FROM MRS LYONS from Monday Morning! WE CANNOT DO THIS SCIENCE TODAY BECAUSE IT IS ALL ABOUT SHADOWS. WHY CAN’T WE DO IT ON A RAINY DAY? (Mrs Lyons will put this Science task later on in the week when it will be sunny!)
Today’s investigation is all about shadows. You may need to do this activity first, so that you can watch your shadow outside at different times during the day. Follow the lesson below and make sure you click on the links to find out more about shadows? What are they?
A myth to read and a myth to listen to today with just a few questions on each. Then draw a colourful image of your favourite part from of each story.
Summer Week 1 Lesson 4 Order Decimals
Where did the Vikings settle in our country? First watch this video below, then my video. Finally, use an atlas or google maps to find evidence of Viking settlements in our area of England and the Midlands.
You have 2 more days to fully use Sumdog - make the most of it and see how many of the tasks I set you can complete!