" The two most powerful warriors are patience and time!" Tolstoy

Well done children for making it to the end of another challenging week. Well done for completing all those kitchen experiments!! I hope your enjoying the novel- I know I am enjoying reading it to you. Next week Tom’s time in the garden becomes a little confusing and at times frightening!!!

I have received a lovely email for the RSC too.

“Hi All,

Thanks so much for the excellent submissions of work for our Playmaking Festival video.  We had an enormous amount of material sent to us, which is fab and I was delighted to see the joy, focus and commitment from all the young people in their videos.”

They are hoping to put at least one from each school into the festival film- Hopefully one of you will appear!! I’ll keep you posted!

Just a word to parents- thank you sooo much for your continued support and help. I have tried next week to make the lessons super independent so the children can complete them as independently as possible. If we were in school we would be rehearsals for the end of year play and going on our geography field trip- I have covered the geography next week- sadly no trip!

God Bless take care always - see you on Monday!!!

I hope you enjoy the gallery can you spot who’s had their hair cut - by dad (he’s done a lovely job) ; who has taken their science to the next level and which member of the class has been to a Hindu Wedding??