Year 1 - Meet your new teacher - Wednesday 8th July

We’ve reached the middle of the week Year 1! Are you enjoying your taste of Year 2? Are you feeling like a Year 2 yet?


Here are Wednesday’s daily activities:

Today is Playground Pal day!

“What is a Playground Pal?” I hear you ask! Watch the video below to find out more.

Listen to and enjoy ‘Spinderella’ by Julia Donaldson.

What lessons did Spinderella and her family learn in the story? Are Playground Pals like Spinderella? What do you think?
Imagine that you are Spinderella and you are looking down onto our playground at school. What would you like to see? What would the Playground Pals be doing? What would the children be playing? Draw a picture and label with all of the important features of a happy playtime.

Activity 2

Can you create a new Playground Pal bib? What would it show? Would it have a logo on it to show everyone on the playground what your job was? How would it stand out? Use the template below if you wish.

Extra Activities

Which Year 1 IXL sections do you need to complete before Year 2? Have a look and see if you can complete them all!

Purple Mash - Play challenge 1 of the ‘bond bubbles’ game I have set as a 2DO for you on Purple Mash.

Keep reading for at least 30 minutes a day. Maybe you could send me the name of your favourite book or author!

Practise your cursive handwriting using the sheet below as a guide to help you.

Have a wonderful day future Playground Pals,

Miss Woodend