Year 3 Meet the Teacher Week. Wednesday 8th July.

Activity 1 Getting to know you - All about your favourite animal.

Complete the 2do My favourite animal, after watching the video below.

Activity 2: Our Learning Skills - Curiosity!

Activity 3 What we do in Year 4 - Reconciliation.

Mrs Lyons knows that you prepared for your Reconciliation before we finished school - but then you never got to do it. We are really hoping you will be able to do your first Reconciliation in Year 4 and then your Holy Communion. To refresh your memory about what Reconciliation is, watch the video below and then answer curious Clara Clownfish’s questions.

Extra Activities today

Don’t forget to read! Ask questions as you read like Clara. You could think to yourself…. ‘I wonder what will happen next….’ or ‘I have noticed that….’

Have a go at these pattern spotting activities below!