Science lesson 4
Today’s investigation is all about shadows. You may need to do this activity first, so that you can watch your shadow outside at different times during the day. Follow the lesson below and make sure you click on the links to find out more about shadows? What are they?
Science/English Lesson 5
You have lots of 2dos set in purple mash about light today and tomorrow. Most of these are short activities. Today’s 2do’s are:
2do Shadow placing 2do Shadows game 2do Dark and dingy words 2do Shading Cube 2do Shading pyramid
You might want to do this later on in the day when you have watched your shadow for a while to see how it changes and have a good understanding of how they are formed. There is also a task below to complete all about shadows.
Today’s story is the first half of a tragedy. Read ‘A Deadly Trick,’ to a grown up and then practise your reading skill of figuring out what point the author is making, when you read the sentences. What is he really telling us?
White Rose Summer - Week 2 - Lesson 2 Halves and Quarters