Year 5 Blog - 'Anything is possible - if you have got the nerve.'

Year 5, thank you so much for getting fully involved in induction week - I have loved seeing how much effort you have put into things and how ready you are for Year 6. It has been a funny year, but it is a testament to your strength and resilience how you are coping and how thorough your work is. I am really looking forward to kick starting our year in September. It will be a little different but it is exciting because you will have the opportunity to really change how our school operates and how you get involved as leaders. It will be challenging but exciting.

There are two videos below for you to watch, the first one is a celebration of your work from this week…there in tonnes of it! I am going to print all of the work that has been sent via email and Purple Mash for our class displays in Year 6.


This second video hopefully answers some of your questions that you have about Year 6 next year. It is really tricky because we are still putting things in place and plans together, I have aimed to answer your questions as best as I possibly can at this stage. The one thing that won’t change is our learning…our curriculum and our work ethic will be as strong as ever.


Things to do over the Summer to be ready for Year 6

I have created a list of things that you can do over the Summer holidays to make sure that you are ready for Year 6. Your house captain speech is something to do!