Thank you Year 4!!!!

Dear wonderful Year 4!

It has been a pleasure to teach you remotely this week - I can honestly say I can’t wait to teach you all in September! Thank you for all the lovely pictures and emails. The quality of your work is great and I really appreciated your focus and effort. I have to apologise for the mix up with my email and the fact that I haven’t been able to yet mark your Purple Mash work - you will notice from the pictures I have had a little look.

I have been working with Miss Hornby for the last two days and I have just finished and I need to take a lie down!!! Miss Hornby is lovely but the work we have to do sometimes takes ages!!!!

I promise to complete the marking over the weekend so check out my comments on Monday!!

Have a great weekend (look after those wonderful parents- we are sooo grateful for)!

God Bless

Mrs H xxx