What a super week Year 2

Well Year 2, it’s be wonderful getting to know a little bit about you and your families this week. We have really enjoyed this week and now we can’t wait until we are teaching you in September.

We hope that you have enjoyed all of the activities. Thank you for being such enthusiastic learners and for all of the fantastic work that you have done on Purple Mash and for the super emails and lovely photos and videos that you have sent to us this week - we hope that you enjoy the picture movie that we have put together for you.

I’ve also made a little movie to answer the questions that you asked us. I’m sorry that we can’t answer all of them at the moment but by September we should be able to share the answers to the other questions with you.

We hope that you enjoy the last week of term with Miss Woodend next week.

Keep smiling

Take care and stay safe

Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson and Miss Woodrow