A few more things for Year 6...

I hope the children are excited about tomorrow and coming back to school. Each day I have created a different focus for the children which will then lead their learning for the day. By the end of the week they will have created a lovely keepsake.

Monday - REFLECT; Tuesday - GRATITUDE; Wednesday - REMEMBER; Thursday - PRAYER; Friday - CELEBRATE

Those children who are at home may want to use these words too. They will help you focus each day and reflect on your primary school journey.

There was a few things to add to my list the other day:

  • If the children have anything at home that belongs to school, please can it be returned tomorrow: flutes, football kits, netball kits etc.

  • Adam and Evie, your Head Boy and Head Girl cups will also need to be returned.

  • Lunches this week:I will be asking the children what their lunch pattern will be this week. If they could know which days they are having a school dinner or a packed lunch from home, that would be great. It will help us organise the week logistically in the hall. Before lockdown, pizza and fish would be Friday’s choice of dinner. Since we have been in school, we have been having it on a Wednesday. I know it is a popular choice so if your child wants the pizza and fish day, that will be on Wednesday.

  • Carrier bag tomorrow: Please remember to send your child with a carrier bag into school tomorrow so that they can bring all of their books home.

  • School Reports - the majority of the school should have received their school reports by now. The Year children will be receiving theirs early this week and then bringing them home.

Please make sure you have read all of the guidance so that you and your child are prepared for tomorrow. They will only be allowed to bring into school what has been requested.