Year 4 home learning. Your final week! Monday 13th July

English - Viking myths continued!

Watch the video below to find out your exciting task today. I forgot to say in the video that I would love you to draw the character too!!!


I thought we could spend our last week thinking about money. Enjoy the video and task below.

Celebrating our Achievements.

I have set a Purple Mash 2do and I would like you to do me a slideshow all about your favourite subject in year 4! I would prefer something we have done in class rather than Art (I know you all adore that!)

Maybe it is a subject you have grown more fond of this year, like English or Maths. Maybe it is Science or History. Perhaps you love geography or computing.

I have written some prompts in the help section (look for the blue question mark) to help you tell me more about why you love it and which parts in particular!

Faith-Filled and Hopeful

During our time at home over the last couple of months, we have all had to put our trust in God and be as full of faith and hope as we possible could be in such different and difficult times. Therefore, the teachers at school decided that the best virtues to focus upon during the last week of home learning would be faith-filled and hopeful.

We are going to end our year by growing closer to Mary our Mother each day. Complete the activity below.