'How lucky am I to have something so special, that makes saying goodbye so hard.' Winnie the Pooh

And here we are. This year has certainly been a roller coaster on emotions and events, which when we look back at them can only make us stronger. This week we have reflected on the past 17 weeks which each child telling me what they have learnt about themselves. I cannot tell you how humbling this experience was. The children have all learnt just how independent and resilient that they can actually be…they can definitely be the change they want to see in the world.

For me…this year I have felt cheated that I haven’t had the year that I had planned with this group of children. I am incredibly sad about all of the opportunities and experiences that I had planned for them however, God has a plan for all of us and right now, this is His plan. Your children have been loved, supported, cared for and challenged throughout their time here…I have loved every minute!

I want to say a huge thank you for all of your kind words, emails and cards; you really do not know how much they mean to me. We always want to ensure that we are doing the right thing so thank you for confirming that I have.

Have the most wonderful Summer. Once an Our Ladys family, always an Our Ladys family! If you need anything, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

God bless.

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Year 6 Talent Show