The final post...

I took lots of photos last week whilst the children were in school and I do not want you to miss one moment of your child’s final week at Our Ladys. Please find photographs of your children using the new trim trail and a few videos from the talent show.

Thank you for all of your cards, gifts and emails. I have really enjoyed reading them and reflecting on the rollercoaster of a year that we have had together. Once the bench that you have kindly donated to the school has been put in place, I will send you a photograph.

Can I also ask you to complete the school survey about Year 6 if you have not already done so. We are looking to collate responses across the school and get a picture of the year. Thank you. The survey is on the button below.


Have the most wonderful summer together. I know that some of you have asked for more maths over the summer to keep the children ticking over so I will send those emails out this week. If any of you need any further support over the summer, do get in touch. I am here to help!

Mrs Gregan