"A child's world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement." Rachel Carson

Across the week, the children have certainly been full of wonder and excitement during their lunchtime break. The sky was full rockets as Year 1 bubbles navigated and piloted their way around the field. Reception were so excited, they jumped through hoop-literally! And the Key worker children filled their time with sporting activities and continue to build strong friendships with one another.

The staff have been overwhelmed with the children, as they got to grips with the new lunchtime system and how they are determined to keep each other safe whilst having a wonderful time playing together.

Role Model of the Week: Once again, the staff have all unanimously agreed that every child across the bubbles deserve role model of the week. Their kindness and understanding towards one another has been most humbling. Well done and thank you children for being so wonderful!

Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: Lunchtimes in the hall, have been so calm and conversation has flowed albeit from a distance. Jaqui and the kitchen team, are so impressed with the politeness of the children as they receive the dinner, that they also would like to declare all the children across the bubbles have marvelous manners. Once again children, I would like to thank you all for being so marvelous.

Have a lovely weekend

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team