Year 3 home learning photos for 29th June to 3rd July

Thank you Year 3 for another lovely week of learning, I have been mesmerised by your animations. You really showed me up with my little video clip, I think we could have some animators and film makers in our midst. As another week comes to an end we are reminded of how wonderful our school family is, you have worked hard and let your talents shine.

Next week will be slightly different, as children you will be welcomed by your new teacher for Year 4, they will post learning challenges each day on the Year 3 page. I wonder, who will it be? If you need me for anything over the week please email me as normal to see if I can help. Keep reading as the Acceleread scores are getting so high, and with only a couple of weeks left I would love it if more of you could reach your target.

Enjoy both your weekend and next week, be wonderful and have fun!

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