'Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.'

With just one more week until Year 6 return to school, today sees their final formal lessons. For the past 14 weeks, the children have worked incredibly hard despite all of the disappointment that they have faced. Week in and week out, they have continued to produce the work that I have come to expect from them as a pupil in Year 6. They could not have done that alone. Your constant support and love for them have helped them manage their emotions and continue to value learning. I think some of them will have surprised themselves just how independent they can be. For some children, they will have found this situation difficult and hard to manage. Whatever the situation, all of the children should be very proud of themselves. Please enjoy watching the video of this week’s wonderful learning.

Next Week - Induction Week

Next week in school, is Induction Week where the teachers will be taking over the website and learning for their new class. During next week, I will be asking Year 6 to induct themselves into high school life by managing their own learning. On Monday, I will be giving the children a menu of activities and learning opportunities that I want them to complete during the week. There will be tasks that cover all of the subject areas and then some specific high school tasks. I know St Bedes have sent a booklet, this is something that can be completed.

It is important that the children do not cram everything into Monday and Tuesday. Encourage the children to plan and timetable their week, thinking carefully about the time required for each task.

I still want to see photo graphs of the children working and what they have been getting up to.

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The final week

And so we approach the final week of term. I am determined to bring the children together as best as I can and make the week a real reflection of their time at Our Ladys. Please make sure that you have sent me a photograph of your child in their school uniform with their sign - just like the one here.

The memory books need to be printed and collated on Monday so I need to spend the weekend making sure they are together. Please can the outstanding photographs be sent today - I would really appreciate it.

On next week’s blog, I will send arrangements for the final week and what the children can bring in. They will be able to bring a t-shirt into school to sign, I have had many questions about this.

Please continue to ask me and send me any questions that you have about high school transition.

Have a lovely weekend and thank you again for being so wonderful!

Mrs Gregan