"Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow" Albeit Einstein

Well done- you now know your rivers!!! Not only that but we have cracked long multiplication ready for Year 6!! Talking of Year 6 Mrs Gregan is ready to go next week. On Monday your new teacher will be posting your lessons. She will be introducing you to Year 6 and all the leadership responsibility you will be able to embrace. It is a year of challenge and excitement! It is with great sadness that I hand you over as I didn’t quite get to do all the things I wanted to do! You have however been amazing! the pictures in the gallery below are a testament to your learning commitment. I’m sorry if some are missing I post on Friday and some come in on Saturday! I do however look at all of them and reply to all your gorgeous emails!

You will return to me on Monday 13th for our final lessons. I will finish the novel- I promise and we will continue to nail some more maths and we have some science to do!!!

Thank you too for embracing the other world faiths. I have had the loveliest emails in regards to this learning. Finally a little shout out to the Third Space children who have maintained their extra tuition throughout - that’s commitment! Just two more sessions to go”!

These are great pictures - there is some catch up learning going on to and that is great- not everyday goes to plan!!

God Bless - see you all on Monday 13th Mrs H xx