Welcome to Year 3! Monday 6th July 2020. Meet your new teachers.

Good morning children and welcome to “Transition Week”.

This week we are going to be doing a variety of activities that will help us all to get to know each other a little better and to get ready for when you are in Year 3.

Next year the Year 3 team will be Miss Edmondson, Miss Brisco and Miss Woodrow. We are really looking forward to working with you and helping you to learn lots of new and exciting things.

Are you ready to get started on this week’s activities? 

Please send your photos to us this week and we will make them into a little photo movie at the end of the week.



Getting to know your teachers

To begin with, we would like you to watch the little videos that we have made to say “Hello!”.

Just press play on the video clips below.

Growing your Brain

Next year we will be really thinking about how we can make our brains grow even bigger and get even better at learning. We will be focusing on all of the learning characters and thinking about what we have to do to be more like each one of them.

Can you remember the names of all of the learning characters? There are 8 of them.

Each day we are going to be sharing the stories of 2 of them with you, and as the week goes on we want you to think which ones you are most like and how you can become more like the others.

Listen to the stories below, and think about how you can be like them today.

All about me - Purple Mash

We would like you to login to Purple Mash and use the “All About Me” template (it’s set as a 2Do) to create a fact file all about you.

We would like you to write and add pictures to tell us all about you.

You might want to tell us about your family and pets, your hobbies, what you like to do or what you have been doing since you were last in school etc.

Tell us about things that make you, you! Remember we are all precious in God’s eyes, but because we are all so special to Him, He made everyone of us a little bit different from everyone else. What makes you special and different from everyone else?

Please remember to save this so that we can have a look at it.

Faith-filled and Hopeful

When we return to school our virtues will be Faith-filled and Hopeful. What do these mean to you? How can you show that you are faith-filled and hopeful?

We would like you to create a piece of work (on an A4 sheet of paper) of what these mean to you.

You can show this in any way you like - you might want to decorate your work, once it is done keep it in a really safe place and keep it flat. We want you to bring it back to school in September so that we can use it then.


You will need a pebble for one of the activities later on in the week, so you will need to look out for one when you are out and about today. It doesn’t have to be huge but not too small either! Just a pebble that you have spotted and like the look of. (You might even want to get a couple of pebbles). More about that later on in the week.

Extra optional activities

Have a look at IXL maths and see which units you have not completed yet for Year 2. Try to complete as many of these as you can before September.

Read for 30 minutes each day and then take a quiz on Accelerated Reader. See if you can reach your target before the end of the term. Let us know the name of your favourite author and/or your favourite book. Maybe you could even write a book review on Purple Mash.

Practise your handwriting and make sure that you can form and join all of your letters correctly in the cursive style we use in school. Click on the button below to check on the correct formation of letters.

We hope that you enjoy today’s learning.

Don’t forget to send us photos of what you have been doing and we will share them all on Friday.

Take care and stay safe

Miss Edmondson, Miss Brisco and Miss Woodrow