Home Learning - Monday 6th - Friday 10th July 2020

Good morning Year 6 and welcome to your transition to high school week. This week is a little different to the others, you will be planning and organising the week for yourself; deciding what tasks you want to complete and in what order. It is really important that you do not cram all the activities into either the beginning or the end of the week. Work sensibly and plot. I have included a PDF of the tasks and a blank timetable for you to fill in.

You will notice that I have colour coded the tasks so that they fit in with our curriculum colours. You have some tasks for all areas of the curriculum as well as some specific transition tasks for high school. You will notice a Purple Mash logo for the tasks that I have set you a To Do for.

Please send me photographs of you working during the week, I still want to see what you have been up to.

Enjoy your preparation week…can you be independent and show good time management?

Timetable for the week.PNG