Welcome to Year 6 - Day 2 of induction week.

Good morning Year 5, I hope you enjoyed yesterday and that it gave you time to really think about what your journey will be like in Year 6. I have loved seeing your work come in and you photographs. Don’t forget to keep the questions coming in on the blog in Purple Mash.

Thank you for all of your work yesterday. Please visit Purple Mash and check your feedback to see if you can make it even better.

Keep your learning photos coming through.

Have a wonderful day of learning!


What have I learnt about myself during home learning?

It has been a funny old time during the last 14 weeks but there is a lot to be celebrated. Although it has been a tricky time and life as we have known it has been paused for a little while, you have all achieved so much. So I would like you to celebrate this time and share with me what you have been up to.

Think about:

  • What have you enjoyed about lockdown?

  • What lessons in home schooling have you found fascinating?

  • What life skills have you enjoyed? Cooking, baking, gardening, drawing?

  • What have you learnt about yourself? Has something surprised you about yourself?

I have set you a To Do on Purple Mash called ‘What I have Learned.’ This is a piece of work about you and a celebration of what you have been up to. Fill it in with as much detail as you can and add a photo in that represents your lockdown. I am looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.

Year 6 is all about detail and showing that you can produce as much work as possible. Think about the standard of work that you send in. Does it have enough detail? Look how much writing mine has, can you match it?

For me I have found a love of gardening. We have been trying to grow our own vegetables and I have been teaching Alfie about where food can come from. I am hoping to be better at it next year. I have completed the task just like you will be doing. Have a read about what I have learned during lockdown.

Task 2 - Produce a piece of artwork that shows me what lockdown has meant to you. Can you save it so that we can put it up in September?

Maths - Plotting and reading coordinates.

Just like we started our Year 6 english curriculum yesterday, today we are going to get cracking with some maths.

I really love teaching maths! When I was at school, I really had to work hard to understand mathematical concepts; I had a great teacher at St Bedes called Mr Grimshaw who really helped me to understand tricky concepts. He also challenged me and made me think deeply and as a result, I became really resilient.

To read coordinates it is along the corridor and up the stairs we read the horizontal axis first and the the vertical axis. I have included a video that you can watch all about coordinates that will get you warmed up for the week. I am going to be recording three lessons for the rest of the week.

There is then one task to see if you know how to plot, read and write coordinates and a game to play. See what you can remember from last year but do not worry, we will hitting full maths lessons tomorrow.

Battleships is a really good way to get to understand coordinates. I have left you some PE Battleships games for you to play…there are two levels.

Year 5 and 6 common exception words

Something that you can continue to practise and look at whilst at home is the Year 5 and 6 spelling list. Use the sheet that I have attached here to continually familiarise yourself with them and become proficient in them. There are some really tricky words in this list. Use your time wisely and master them. I would like to see you use them in your writing come September.

What are your hopes and dreams for next year?

HOPE (another virtue) grows out of faith and love. The stronger our love and faith the stronger our hope will be. Hope allows us to trust ourselves and those around us with the decisions that will shape our lives. What are your hopes for next year? We are collecting everyone’s hopes today so that we can place them on a display for your return as a whole school community.

TASK 1: Visit Purple Mash and I have set a To Do for you to complete called Hopes and Dreams for Year 6. Design your page border and type up what your hopes and dreams are for next year. Don’t forget to include your name at the bottom.

TASK 2: Visit Purple Mash and complete the prayer on Hope. Can you write a prayer for our school community and the world all about HOPE!