Activity 1: Getting to know you.
If you could be a superhero, who would you be?
Today, I have set you a 2do in Purple mash called ‘If I was a Superhero…’
Read the prompts in the 2do to help you create this poster. You could make up your own superhero and give it a name!
When you have done it, you could even dress up as the superhero you have created!
Swing/Pedal bin liners make good capes!
Can you make up your own logo to stick on your cape?
Can you make a mask? Here are some examples below.
Please send me pictures!
Activity 2 - Our Learning Skills - Self belief and Enthusiasm.
I’m so sorry Year 3 - I did not realise the sound didn’t work on Cooper Crab’s video yesterday!!! I hope you still managed to read the story and concentrate!
All the sound should work for the rest of the week now!
Activity 3. What we learn in Year 4 - History.
In Year 4, we love history - just like Bobby Bee! I know you have already learned lots of history at our school. You learned about The Great Fire of London. You have learned about Florence Nightingale. In Year 3 you found out about some of the earliest history of OUR country - The Stone Age, the Celts and the Romans.
I would love you to tell me all about your favourite part of history and give me some information about it. It could be something from above. Or it might be about a famous person from the past or a different famous event. It might be about a famous king or queen. It can be any aspect of history at all!
I have set you a 2do called My History Book. Don’t forget to add images. You could look at the clip art first to get ideas about what aspects of history you could pick.
For research, you could use the sites below to help:
Activity 4 My hopes for Year 4
I have set you a little task to complete in Purple mash - every year group is doing this task and it will be displayed in September in the hall. It is called:
2do Year 4 hopes.
Extra activities today
Have a go at these maths games:
Don’t forget to get your book(s) out for half an hour today and improve your reading skills.