Welcome to Year 6 - Day 3 of Induction Week

Good morning Year 5 - welcome to Wednesday. We are half way through the week and still so much to cover! There are quite a few challenges today to complete so crack on and get stuck in! The pace of Year 6 is quite fast as we have such a lot of work to complete throughout the year. Timetable yourself today and be focused in your work!

Keep your learning photos coming through.

Have a wonderful day of learning!

Maths - Coordinates Year 6 Lesson 1

Welcome to your first lesson with me. Yesterday I asked you to warm up and to get to grips with coordinates. Today, we will be working through a lesson together. There is the lesson resources that you can use or you can work directly in your book.

Inner and Outer Self.PNG


Later on in the year, we will read a book called Wonder. It is a fabulous book all about celebrating differences and accepting people for who they are. This task was part of this unit of work and I thought it would make a wonderful display in class. Your outer and inner self may be very different and how you present yourself may be different to sometimes how you feel. Your outer self is your appearance and your inner self is your personality and your likes and dislikes.

Can you create a piece of art work using this design, your outer self on one side and your inner self on the inside with things in about what you like. You might want to write some words in there that describe your personality too. Try and use a piece of A4 paper so that it makes a statement in our classroom.

RE - The Kingdom of God

Our first RE unit of work in Year 6 is the Kingdom of God - but what is it? Follow my video through this lesson. I wonder, can you bring the Kingdom of God alive as a leader in Year 6?


PE challenge - I always expect you to work just as hard in PE as you do in any other subjects. Your body should be as tired as your brain might be in a maths lesson. I love PE and Year 6 PE is all about team work and sportsman ship.

Task 1 - What makes a good sportsperson? What qualities do they need to have? Create a brainstorm in your book.

Task 2 - 10 to 1….this is a really hard challenge. Can you complete it or can you create your own 10 to 1 challenge? Be creative and have fun.

Year 5 and 6 common exception words

Something that you can continue to practise and look at whilst at home is the Year 5 and 6 spelling list. Use the sheet that I have attached here to continually familiarise yourself with them and become proficient in them. There are some really tricky words in this list. Use your time wisely and master them. I would like to see you use them in your writing come September.