Year 3 Meet the Teacher week Thursday 9th July

Activity 1: Getting to Know you - Your hobby!

Today, in Purple Mash, I would love you to make another slideshow. You did a brilliant job on Monday!

This time I want it to be all about a hobby that you have. This can be anything. Maybe you love football. Perhaps you love to bake. Are you a dancer or a gymnast? It could be something you are really interested in like dinosaurs, star wars or flowers. I want you to do a slideshow all about one hobby/passion.

I am so excited to find out what you really love!

Activity 2: Our learning Skills - Self-Improvement.

Activity 3: What we do in Year 4 - Art

As usual, have a look at Mrs Curtis’s Art page to find out your activity this week. You can send your pictures to Mrs Curtis, but I would love to see them too!

Extra Activities

Reading, reading and ALWAYS reading - make it your goal to be a reader that enjoys books every day!

Improving my skills in Purple Mash: Create a 3D maze.

Go on your Purple Mash 2DIY 3D and watch the video to tell you how to create a 3D maze. Like Clara Clownfish, see what you can notice and figure out for yourself as you create your own plan of your maze. When you press the play button, it will turn into a 3D maze! Like Lizzie Ladybird, see if you can make it better and better!

2type - Go on 2type and improve your skills ready for Year 4

2go - Complete the challenges in ‘Find the Treasure’ to get better at position and direction.