Welcome Back to School

It feels like Christmas Eve - it is the same excitement. I am really happy that we will get our Year 6 family back together next week to celebrate and reflect on their primary school life. We know that this is not how we intended the year to be and that the children have missed out on some of the things that they were looking forward to. I am really hoping that we can make their final week in school full of smiles and laughter.

School will be different for the children next week and it is important that we follow the guidance set. I have included the guidance below and the bubbles that the children will be in. The arrival time for each bubble is clear. Please make sure you are clear about everything that has been stated in the documents.

On Monday, the children will need:

  • Their pencil case (which will stay in school for the entire week) . Some of the children may already have their pencil cases in school.

  • To be in their PE kits all week. No formal school uniform - please read the guidance carefully on this.

  • A carrier bag. The children will be bringing their books home on Monday - not as full as I would have liked them but there is lots of wonderful work in there for you to have a look at.

  • A water bottle.

  • Snacks and their lunch if they are not having a school dinner. The children CANNOT bring in their school bags.

I am planning on a reflective week with the children where they can make a collection of their favourite memories at school and then complete some lovely work around it. The weather is looking great for next week so we can get out for PE each day in the afternoon as well. On Thursday, I am planning an picnic for the class on the field and I am speaking to Father Peter about coming in so that we can have a blessing and prayers on the field. This will be really special and the children will receive their gifts from the school. On Friday, the children can bring in a school shirt with them to be signed. This can’t be the one that they are wearing, it has to be separate. We will organise them in the hall so that they can be all signed by the children. I am hoping to also hold the Talent Show that we missed out on at Water Parks…I will talk more about this on Monday!
My aim is to take as many photos as possible of the final week for you all.

As the majority of the class is back in school next week, I will not be posting lessons online. For the children who are at home, please use the week to reflect on your primary school life with your family. You will be able to collect your gift from the school from Wednesday. I will place them in the office for you to collect.

If anybody has any questions about next week, please do not hesitate to get in touch. I am so excited to see the children again!

High School Transition

Being in school next week gives the children the opportunity to ask some of their questions about high school. St Bedes have sent through a video for you all to look at.

This is the message from St Bedes:

The transition video has been uploaded to Firefly and can be accessed via the link below. It has been placed in the section we have created for new parents called 'Information for New Parents'.  


There are lots of tabs sharing information about different aspects of school but for pupils the most important is the one called 'Transition - Pupil Support Materials and Activities'. It contains some of the things we have already received in the post but that is where they will find the video.  

The link has been shared with all parents via letter and again by email. We are asking parents to complete an online form in this section to show they have accessed the site. It means we know who to chase as Firefly will be updated during the summer to reflect the ever changing plans for schools. .

I know that St Bedes, just like us, are trying to navigate their way through the guidance about reopening schools ready for next year. As soon as this has happened, I am sure that they will communicate this with you.

I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday - I literally cannot wait!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Gregan