"The most beautiful way to start and end the day is with a grateful heart"

It’s hard to believe that the children are only in their second week of Year 2 - they really have slotted into their new class and routine seamlessly. They are most certainly a class up for a challenge, always wanting to learn new things and anticipating what is going to come next. Their enthusiasm and passion for learning is blowing me away each and every day!

I don’t quite know how we have managed to fit all of the learning we’ve done into just one week … but we’ve done it and the children should feel extremely proud!

In RHE this week, we have been focusing on gratitude and what it means to be grateful. This also links perfectly with our two focus virtues for this term - ‘grateful and generous’. We shared a lovely story together called ‘The Giving Tree’, and reflected upon how the boy could have been more grateful in the story. Why not listen to the story as a family by clicking the picture opposite? This then led to a lovely discussion in class about how we have been grateful in the past and how we can show more gratitude in the future. We have also been filling our gratitude diaries in at the end of each day, which help us to reflect upon our days and choose one thing that we are truly thankful for. It is always so wonderful to hear the children’s ideas.

Maths has been jam packed with lots of place value. We have been using a range of concrete resources in order to make numbers and have been thinking carefully about tens and ones. We then moved onto partitioning numbers into different parts using the part part whole model. The class have remembered so much of their learning from Year 1!

Roald Dahl’s ‘The Porcupine’ poem has been enjoyed by all during English lessons this week. It certainly made us smile and giggle! After reading the poem, the class created some superb posters about why it ISN’T always great to take a seat on a porcupine! This morning, all the children then learned a section of the poem and created actions to help them to remember their bit. We finally enjoyed performing them to each other. We have also continued to revisit our RWI sounds learned in Year 1 and have worked hard practising handwriting!

Let’s celebrate

Last week, the class voted for who they wanted to represent them as Class Councillors this year. The votes have been counted and verified … well done to Pippa and Benjamin!

Isaac, you have been a real ‘Have a Go, Tommy Turtle’ this week.  Your enthusiasm in every lesson has been a joy to see and I can’t quite believe how quickly that hand of yours has gone up when you have wanted to share your ideas and have a go at answering questions.  You are growing as a brave learner and are beginning to make mistakes openly in front of your friends.  Keep it up Isaac!

Thank you for being such a ‘Cooper Crab’ in our class Sophia.  You are always so focused and love concentrating in order to grow that brain of yours.  You share your ideas so openly with the class and your reasoning, particularly in maths, is always so clear and you give such detailed explanations.  Well done Sophia!


A plea from Miss Lane - Miss Lane was hoping that you could have a look around your homes in the hope of finding missing RWI home reading books. I think because of leaving school in such uncertain times back in March, some children may not have returned them. Thank you.

Medical form - We are asking for all medical forms to be completed online this year. Please check your emails. There should be one from myself containing a link for filling this in. It should only take two minutes and is much appreciated.

Reading books - Please ensure that your child brings their reading book to school with them every day.

Snuffly noses - Please could your child bring their own packet of tissues to school with them if the have a little cold or snuffly nose. This means that packets can be kept in pockets and runny noses can be cleaned and tissues put in the bin straight away - catch it, bin it, kill it!

Have a lovely weekend with your families.

God Bless,

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Carter and Mrs Malley