Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.

This week has been jam packed with learning and the Year 1 children have worked their little socks off! We began our Read Write Inc. lessons this week. This was a bit of a shock to the system for the children, however they rose to the challenge and showed themselves to be resilient Sadie Spiders. Some children, I have identified as needing a little extra practise with their sounds. For these children I am sending home a mini speed-sound pack. It would be wonderful if the children could practise these with you once a day. They do not need to bring these to school with them, equally they are more than welcome to keep them safe in their reading packet. I have linked a video on the How to help your child page, which explains how the sounds should be pronounced. I really appreciate your help with this. The children have now got their high frequency word sets, please could the children keep these in their reading packets, to be assessed in school. Together, we’ll have them reading fluently in no time!

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths we have been thinking about representations and have learned that a number can be represented in lots of different ways. The children practised this learning using a representation grid. If they would like to show you how to use it, you can click on the image below to print some templates.

In RHE we have thought about gratitude and what we are thankful for. We shared the story of the Giving Tree together and the children reflected deeply on the story. Why don’t you watch it again together? You can do so by clicking on the image opposite.

The children then thought about what they were grateful for and wanted to thank God for. It was wonderful to hear such lovely ideas from the children. We made our very own giving tree and said thanks to God, by drawing what we are grateful for, on Autumn paper leaves.

In English we have been using adjectives to describe fruits and vegetables. We have been growing our brains with scrumptious words and have been writing sentences with and to join our ideas e.g. Apples are red and juicy. I wonder if the children can use adjectives to describe the food they eat over the weekend?

In Science we looked at how we have changed since we were babies and talked about how our features change and stay the same as we grow. The children loved looking at each others baby photos (thank you so much for sending them in), it made the lesson so much more personal and engaging. We also played ‘Guess the Baby’, which was so much fun!

Details of this weeks home learning can be found on the Learning from home page.



Brave Tommy Turtle - For ‘having a go’, no matter what the activity or lesson. Hudson, I have been so impressed with your eagerness to take a risk in your learning, particularly in maths. You know that I doesn’t matter if you make a mistake; we all learn from it together. Well done for having such a positive attitude to learning, Hudson. You have grown your brain so much this week!

Curious Clara Clownfish -

For being such an inquisitive learner. Tilly N, you have been asking brilliant questions this week and have got the whole class to think really deeply. I was so impressed when you asked why babies needed their heads to be supported and then suggested an answer.  Well done Tilly, I am super-duper proud of your curiosity and amazing listening too! 

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves. This weeks stars have been: Beth, Finley, Charlotte, Tilly S and Sean.


  • Please ensure children bring a labelled water bottle every day and that all clothes are labelled.

  • If your child has a cold, please can they bring in a pack of their own tissues. Thank you so much.

  • Please check your emails for a medical form to fill in. It will only take you 2 minutes and is very much appreciated.

Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter