“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.” –

We made it through our first full week! I have to say the teaching is fun! The class are all so keen to learn - it is good to be back. We are however still finding our feet when it comes to the routines and distancing from everyone else. I am having to remind children not to leave snack boxes or jumpers in the playground. Once they are touched by someone in another bubble we have to quarantine them. Talking of quarantine, you will notice that the homework books haven’t been sent home this week. As explained in the Year 5 induction video we have one week in books and the next week the homework is all set online. To ensure you can log on successfully the lovely Mrs Nel has made each child a book mark with their passwords on. Please use this as a bookmark and that way it will be in school and at home.

In lessons this week, we explored different legends from different cultures. We investigated the story of Theseus and the Minotaur and artifacts found in Crete which suggested that this story might be partly true. We have rocked in Maths and created some smashing games in PE. In RE we watched a film (for children) to explain the big bang theory and we began to understand how science and RE explore the universe in different ways. Ask your child what a theologian is I’m hoping they can tell you.

In RHE we explored the virtue of HOPE and listened to the story of Helen Keller - what an inspiration. Next week we will focus on gratitude, helping us to embrace the gifts given freely by God.

Awards this week!

Certificates went to - Harvey, Lily and Adam - Well done! We also won best dinner table and Victor was awarded dinnertime role model of the week!!!!


Class Councillors- children wishing to be a class councilor this year may stand next week. We will be having a meeting on Thursday 17th and those wishing to stand have the opportunity to make a short (oral) presentation to the class. Good luck! Oh yes- if you have already represented the class you have to let others have a go this year!

Medical form- please check your emails as the medical form has gone online. You will receive a link, please press and complete. Nice and simple!!

Tissues - we are going through tissues at a rate of knots!! It would be most beneficial for the children to bring a small pack of tissues they can keep in their pencil cases on their desks. Easy and quick access for catching sneezes and coughs.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs H xx