"It's the moments together that change us forever"

What another amazing week we have had in Year 2! The children are certainly fully back into the swing of things now and are always so eager to discover how their brains will grow each day.

This week in RHE, we have been thinking about how wonderful it is to be back as our class team again and just what we can achieve when we all work cooperatively together. We enjoyed the story ‘Stone Soup’ and reflected afterwards by discussing just how the people in the story helped each other. You can enjoy the story together at home by clicking the picture below. After discussing the story, we shared our thoughts and feelings about coming back together as a class and what we missed the most whilst being at home. This certainly made us all feel very grateful and proud of our little class family.

Maths has been non stop this week! We have continued to partition numbers in different ways and have used different concrete resources to help us to do so. We have continued to use the part whole model to help us to partition accurately and have then used these parts in order to create addition number sentences. Can you believe there are 4 different number sentences for 1 simple addition? Why not ask your child to show you?

In English we have started to look at our new focus story ‘Flat Stanley’, which the children have loved! We began by simply looking at the front cover and making plausible predictions based on the title and the illustrations used. Who knew that you can talk so much about one front cover? … Year 2 certainly can! We then discussed lots of new vocabulary that we will come across in chapter 1 - the children were then very much in favour of reading the chapter and were ready to marvel at the adventures of Stanley!

Let’s celebrate

You have been such a ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ this week Niamh!  You have listened so carefully in every lesson and have shared so many wonderful ideas with the class.  You are beginning to have a go even when you aren’t quite sure and you make sure that you concentrate hard during every input so that you know exactly what to do and how to move your learning forward.  Keep it up Niamh! 

Jacob, I have been so proud of you this week!  You are becoming such a brave leaner and are morphing into ‘Have a Go Tommy Turtle’ more and more each day!  It has been wonderful to see you with your hand up wanting to share your ideas with the class and your proud smile has been joyous to see afterwards.  Keep concentrating and working hard Jacob and that brain will grow bigger and bigger!


If you haven’t yet filled in the medical form sent via email, please do so. If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Please can you ensure that your child brings their reading book to school with them every day. Also, some children have brought home a word set to practise, just like they did in Year 1. Please can these be in bags every day too as they will be changed when needed.

Have a lovely weekend.

God Bless,
Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Carter and Mrs Malley