Our first week of full days is complete and we are feeling so proud of Reception, they are growing in so many ways each day. The class has been wonderful and tackled new challenges head on. They have eaten in the hall, had playtime on the big field and waited patiently and sensibly at home time.
We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.
In RHE we have been thinking about what makes us special and unique, we used mirrors to draw some lovely self portraits. We talked about the similarities and differences and enjoyed reading the My Body, Your Body’ books to spark even more discussions.
We started our Read Write Inc (RWI) lessons and the children have been so enthusiastic to learn sounds.
It is really important the children are using the pure sounds, this handy video explains more… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkXcabDUg7Q&safe=active
This week we have learnt two bouncy sounds and two stretchy sounds…
mmmmmm…Down Maisie mountain mountain.
a a a a…Around the apple and down the leaf.
ssssssssss...Slither down the snake.
d d d d…Around the dinosurs bottom, up his tall neck and down to his toes.
During Maths this week has we have been investigating number 1 and 2, with the help of some very catchy songs from the Number Blocks. We have been counting real life objects and some children even found 2 during provision.
In PE our Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) this week has been THROWING. We used our opposite arm to leg to throw underarm. Step forward and swing your arm back like an elephants trunk and then forward to release the ball with a straight arm. You could try this together at home!
Homework Challenge
Last week it was coats, this week it’s jumpers! Please practice taking jumpers on and off independently at home, we have already seen a huge improvement with coats and PE tracksuit tops this week.
Important Notices
Snack - The children are provided with a healthy snack by school in the morning and afternoon. This week we had a choice of bananas, apples, carrots or pears! If you wish to send a snack for your child this is no problem, but please do ensure it is a small snack of fruit or vegetables.
Pirates - The children have shown a keen interest in exploring pirates and have thought of lots of ideas already. On Friday, we will be dressing as pirates, the children can arrive wearing their costumes in the morning. Please don’t buy anything special, get creative…a stripy t-shirt and a bandanna will do! We will be making hats throughout the week too.
Thanks for reading and your continued support.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Lavelle, Miss Neves and Barbara