Home learning will be posted on the class home learning page on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Thursday. Home learning books will be used on alternate weeks and should be returned to school on Thursdays. We will be using Purple Mash or other internet sites for learning on the alternate weeks. Again work completed on Purple Mash etc should be submitted for marking by the following Thursday please.
Please make sure that you read at home every day. As the children become more independent with their reading they may not want to read to you every night but please do try spend some time discussing their reading books and listening to your child at different times during the week. You may wish to make a comment in their green book if you wish. It is also good to share the reading of a book at times and also to be read to sometimes as well. Being able to read and understand independently really is a gift - it opens up so many opportunities and takes you on journeys to such exciting places.
Don’t forget you can check on your child’s progress on Accelerated Reader - this will let you know which books they have read and quizzed on and also their progress towards their reading target.
From these numbers, written in words, can you write the numbers in figures?
(eg Six hundred and seventy one = 671) Write the words and the figures please.
Make sure that you think carefully about H T O. Make sure you write each digit correctly.
Four hundred and sixty seven Two hundred and ninety Seven hundred and six
Nine hundred and thirty eight One hundred and forty five Eight hundred and nineteen
Three hundred and fifty Six hundred and eighty two Five hundred and eleven
Can you choose your own numbers to write in words and figures too?
Please learn the spellings below ready for a spelling quiz in class next Thursday.
We have provided a copy of different fun ways to learn your spellings which the children have stuck into their home learning books. Please select activities from this sheet to help your child to learn their spellings.
The children should be able to write the spellings independently - this will need to be written clearly and correctly during the spelling quiz.
This week our spellings are a mixture of a spelling pattern and high frequency words.
pencil fossil treasure measure reign calendar business century
Watch out for the tricky bits!!!
Please make sure that homework books (blue book) and reading record books (thin green book) are covered to reflect your personality (not just decorated please). Please also ensure that these books are clearly labelled with your name. Thank you.