"The real secret of success is enthusiasm"

I feel as though I am repeating myself each week, but once again, the children have been an absolute delight! We are having such fun as a class team and the children are demonstrating just how focused and how enthusiastic they are. They are all so eager to grow their brains and are an absolute pleasure to teach.

This week we started our new RHE topic ‘Created and loved by God’. In this lesson, we completed an activity where we thought carefully about who made us and why we were made. We also thought about what we think makes us special and what we like about our bodies. At the end of the topic, we will then look back at these sheets to see if there’s anything that we would like to add or if our opinions have changed.

In English, the children were delighted to discover that we were moving on to chapter 2 of ‘Flat Stanley’ at the beginning of the week. We discovered just what Stanley enjoys doing now he’s flat and how he can help others. We were then verb detectives; hunting for verbs within the text and creating our own sentences. Finally, this morning, we had a go at writing our own instructions using those important verbs we found. Why not hunt for verbs together whilst reading this weekend?

The class have all been resilient and determined little mathematicians as we have been ordering and comparing numbers. We have recapped their knowledge of the greater than and less than signs of Year 1 and have used these to complete all kinds of puzzles and problems. See if your child can amaze you by completing the missing number problem below.

35 < _______ < 45

RE has been filled with refection and deep thinking as we have read the story of Abraham together. We learned that God chose Abraham and Abraham did what God asked because he trusted him. This made us think carefully about what God has chosen us to do and how we can show that we trust in God too.

Finally in Science, the children were delighted to discover that we would be having a virtual visitor to our classroom …. Miss Bassett! The children got busy writing interview questions to discover how her little baby boy has changed already since being born.

Let’s Celebrate

What a ‘Focused Cooper Crab’ you have been this week Dominic.  You have organised yourself really quickly ready for learning and have independently managed any distractions around you.  It has been amazing to see that hand of yours shooting up during lessons and that proud smile when you know you have learned something new.  Keep it up Dominic – you should feel very proud of yourself!

Bella, it is wonderful to have such a ‘Don’t Give Up, Sadie Spider’ in our class every day.  You are such a determined learner who never gives up when you are finding things challenging and you will always ask for help when needed.  It has been amazing to see you contributing so brilliantly in lessons and you aren’t afraid to make mistakes in order to take your learning deeper.

I hope you have a great weekend with your families.

God Bless,

Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Carter and Mrs Malley