Year 1 Home Learning 25.9.20


Children have been set spellings with the ea and ie diagraphs. I will test the children on four of the words below, plus a bonus spelling from last week’s spellings! A table to practise their spellings can be found in their home learning books.

sea dream meat each read(present tense) chief field thief reach teach


The Evil Pea is on the loose is up to more mischief! I have challenged the children to create their own vegetable crime scene. I would like them to take a photo/draw a picture and then write a couple of sentences about it. In class, the children have been using the below format. The children should innovate the text in bold, to suit their own vegetable in distress. If they want to write more…that would be amazing!

I am Mr Pineapple and someone has chopped off my hair. I am feeling tormented and I want to know who has committed the crime!

Read, read, read!

The children will be fluent readers in no time! I am so proud of them all!

Please can you cover home learning books, if you are yet to do so, thank you so much.

Passwords for Purple Mash and IXL, can be found in the back of your child’s Reading Log.