Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 25th September

This week’s home learning is online


Please read with your child for at least 10 minutes a day.


I have set a 2do on Purple Mash which I have shown the children how to use. It is a programme where the children can practise their handwriting. If you are unsure how to form letters in cursive correctly, I have popped a help sheet in ‘how to help your child’.


all call small also always by no go of so off

Don’t forget to check the ‘how to help your child’ section for creative ways to learn spellings.


I have set the ‘Sequencing Snake’ game as a 2do on Purple Mash. This links in with this week’s learning of ordering and counting in steps.

Maths IXL

A.9 A.10 A.1 1 A.12

English IXL

O.1 O.2 O.3 O.4