The Evil Pea is on the loose!

The Year 1 children have continued to wow me with their kindness and resilience this week. I am so proud of the progress the children are making with their reading. To those children who have had flashcards sent home with them, please do continue to practise. The extra practise is clear to see!

How have we grown our brains this week?

In Maths we have been comparing pictures, objects and numbers, using the language - greater than, less than and equal to. The children have learned the corresponding signs ( > < = ) and have been reasoning their choice for using them, by talking about how many ones a number has.

In English the children found a horrifying scene in the classroom…the Evil Pea had struck again! Year 1 came across more vegetables in distress and wrote in role, pretending to be one of the poor vegetable victims. This learning links to this weeks Home Learning, details to be found on the Learning from Home page.

In RE, we have been learning about how as humans, we do not always look after God’s world. We watched a short film called, A Whale’s Tale, which generated lots of brilliant discussion. I have linked it opposite. Please watch it again with your children; I am sure they will want to talk to you all about it. We then watched a news report, filmed on St Annes beach last month. The children were noticeably moved seeing the rubbish that had been left on the beach. They shared how it upset them to see so much rubbish left behind and we talked about the negative impacts this can have on the environment and on wildlife. The children were motivated to make an eye catching poster, to inform the people of St Annes, to keep the beaches clean.

In RHE the children thought about the different ways we can make someone feel special and loved. We talked about kind words and actions and how what we say and do can have a big impact on each other. The children will be welcoming a new class member next week and they have been thinking of all the different ways they can make her feel precious and welcome. They are so excited to be a class of 30 again!

In Science, we talked about how we change as we grow up, ordering photos of people of all different ages. The children hypothesised that as you get older, you grow taller. We investigated this in the classroom and found that this was not the case. I was so impressed with how the children thought of ways to test their hypothesis.

Details of this weeks home learning can be found on the Learning from home page.



Resilient Sadie Spider- For being so resilient with your learning. Hugo, you have been super focused during every lesson this week. I was so impressed with how you challenged yourself to leave finger spaces in your writing and thought of lots of ways to compare numbers, in maths. You have worked your socks off this week and have worked so co-operatively with your learning partner too! Well done Hugo!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being such an enthusiastic learner. William, no matter what we are learning about, you are so excited to grow your brain. You love to learn and are always ready to share your ideas. Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine and making our classroom such a happy place to learn and grow.

Star of the Day

Each day I will pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves (I broke the rules this week and had to pick 6)! This weeks stars have been: Gus, Seth, Charlotte, Finley, Toby and Jacob.


  • Please ensure children bring a labelled water bottle every day and that all clothes are labelled. There are still children with unlabelled clothes and water bottles. Please, please, label them over the weekend.

  • Children have access to snacks everyday, so there is no need for them to bring in their own. If you chose to, please ensure it is fruit or vegetables only. It is so important that no nuts are being brought into the classroom.

  • If your child has a cold, please can they bring in a pack of their own tissues.

  • Please check your emails for a medical form to fill in. It will only take you 2 minutes and is very much appreciated. If you have not done so, please do so as a matter of urgency. I am waiting for 7 responses.

Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley and Mrs Carter