Year 4 homework to be completed by Thursday 1st October

Online homework this week.


IXL: B1 B2 B4 B5 B7 - these are all things you have practised in class. Some are really easy!


We have been finding out about Plants all around the world. It has been helping us brush up on our knowledge of where countries and continents are.

I have set you two purple mash tasks to complete about countries in Europe and continents. Before you do them, have a look at an atlas, globe and/or Google Earth with an adult and locate the continents. Play a game where you name a country and try to locate it. Eg Thailand, Italy, USA


after  again  any anyone    beautiful   because      behind    both    bought    break some    every

If you know you need lots of practise with your spellings in general, there are lots and lots of games on purple mash, if you do a search on there for spellings.

Here are some more ideas to practise:


Please practise the first not you have learned on your recorder - B. ( Left hand. Index finger on first hole, thumb on back hole. Prop up with other thumb at back of recorder) Also, Mrs Maddocks wanted you to practise some rhythms of your name on your recorder. Eg Miss - is Ly - ons


Lets really go for these reading targets now. Have a big read at the weekend.

Nessy children - every night please.