Week four done and dusted! half way through this half term already, how time flies, when you are learning and having fun. Our new trim trail opened to the very excited year six children on Monday, I couldn’t resist but joining them, what fun!
In Art…
Year one had to have a steady hand as we drew around different classroom objects including our own hand and shoe, We were a bit shaky to start with but with each try our confidence grew and so did our ability to draw with a steady hand.
Year two placed marks onto different paper types to test what was the ultimate paper to write, draw and colour on. We tried, coloured poster paper, sugar paper, tissue paper, newsprint, black card and art paper. We tried writing, drawing and colouring on all the papers and marking them on their suitability. We all decided that white art paper was best and realised that all the books we use in school all have white paper and now we know why.
Year three listened and responded to the folk tale of ‘The Hippocrump’, a fierce monster. We listened to what the description was and after, drew how we thought he looked. Thirty children, thirty different pictures of the same Hippocrump, isn’t art brilliant?
Year four thought back to the story of ‘Jeffrey the Maggot’ and his crazy adventures in his magical pumpkin. We we challenged to create our own story boards, through a magical land in a pumpkin, after, we then retold these adventures to our partners. What imaginations we have!
Year five finished the main bulk of our Hundertwasser inspired art, by completing all the bold and bright pastel work, we added our acetate layer all ready to draw over the top in marker pens next week.
Year six showed how much they have remembered with their tone work as they had the challenge of creating Pop Art of the staff. Each person was pulled from the pot and matched with a staff member, everyone was a little nervous of who would get Mrs Gregan and Miss Hornby… pressure! These will be displayed outside the staffroom for all to see.
Have a safe but lovely weekend, rest up. more of the same next week.
God bless
Mrs Curtis