Year 6 Blog - “ The Human Voice is the most perfect instrument of all”


Today, we have had our first class council meeting in class. I have to say, this group of children are the most organised group of councilors that I have had - they are just great. I am really looking forward to seeing just what decisions they lead us on this year. The collective human instrument of our class is the most perfect instrument of all.

Learning has really gained momentum this week in class, especially in english and maths. We are continuing to look closely at Walt Disney and we have completed our work on place value in maths. Next week we will be moving onto the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Table knowledge is definitely something that can be focused on this weekend. In geography, we have explored the human geography of South America and in RE and RHE, how we can bring the Kingdom of God alive through compassion and love.

But…I think that the most exciting thing that has happened this week is…THE TRIM TRAIL IS OPEN! We have enjoyed ourselves this week on it and are now ready to pass it over to Year 5.

Let’s Celebrate

There is a whole host of learning and behaviour that we can celebrate this week, it has been tough to choose.

Well done to Rhys and Zofia.

Rhys nailed his reading target twice in one day. I don’t think that has ever happened before! He is such an avid reader and this is really shining through in his work. We have also witnessed lots of acts of kindness from Rhys this year. A real Year 6 leader.

Zofia is such a conscientious learner who really takes pride in her work - her presentation is impeccable! We have spoken a lot about consistency in our work this week and Zofia has it in bucket loads. Well done Zofia.

Don’t forget:

  • Flu jab letters need returning on Monday.

  • Shakespeare homework is due in on Monday.

  • St Bedes blue forms.

Have a lovely weekend with your family and stay safe.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster